TIZIP® has a responsibility not only to the shareholders but also to the environment and society as a whole. Right from the beginning of the company‘s existence we have assumed this responsibility in many different ways and our suppliers and sales partners (both hereinafter called „partner“) play a key role in this. We are thankful for the direct, trusting and long-term business relationships we have formed.
The basis of this successful and long-term cooperation between TIZIP and its partners is formed by mutual respect and trust as well as a fair balance of interests between the parties ensuring equal opportunity. Fulfilling legal, social and environmental standards is all part of this. Consequently, with this partner code of conduct, TIZIP describes the minimum requirements it imposes on all partners. Furthermore, TIZIP expects from its partners that their partners also fulfil these requirements.
This code of conduct is binding; therefore, an infringement can, when all other measures fail, lead to TIZIP terminating the business relationship. However, much more important for us is the under-standing that TIZIP can only take the path of sustainable development in a mutual, learning partnership with its partners.
Code of conduct principles: ®
General Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations
ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
United Nations Convention against Corruption
The ten principles of the UN Global Compact
Relevant national statutory provisions and official requirements
1.1 Collaboration based on trust
The partner and TIZIP collaborate on the basis of trust. The partner recognises that basic business principles, for example, maintaining confidentiality regarding customer trade secrets, respecting intellectual property, fairness, honesty and keeping promises are important for a credible, stable and sustainable business relationship.
1.2 Implementation of the code
The standards defined in this code of conduct will be recognised by the partner’s senior manage-ment. The obligations arising from this code or from national or international legal provisions will not be removed when putting work out to contract, carrying out alleged training programmes or other comparable measures.
The partner must be able to present suitable records in order to substantiate that this code and the national/international provisions are being observed. The partner agrees to TIZIP reviewing the observance of the code. The reviews can include inspections of the partner´s premises carried out by persons appointed by TIZIP. Advance notice of these inspections can but does not have to be given.
1.3 Corruption
The partner will not offer any TIZIP employee advantages, commissions, bribery in the form of money, gifts or gratuities which could endanger objective and fair business decisions. Within the frame-work of the business relationship, corruption or attempted corruption of any type including blackmail and bribery will not be tolerated.
1.4 Legal Compliance
TIZIP expects that the partner will make decisions and act in conformity with the law and also in conformity with universal human rights and the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
2.1 Working hours
The partner will observe the applicable local laws and regulations and industrial standards regard-ing working hours. Where there are differences between regulations, the most stringent provisions are to be applied. However, whatever the regulations, the working week may not regularly exceed 48 hours. Overtime may only be performed voluntarily and not exceed 12 hours a week. Every member of the partner’s workforce has the right after six consecutive working days to at least one free day.
2.2 Wages and social security benefits
The partner will observe the applicable local laws and regulations concerning minimum wages and social security benefits. The payment for normal working hours and overtime will correspond to at least the statutory minimum or the minimum standards for the industry concerned, which-ever is higher. Insofar as the statutory minimum wages are not adequate to cover basic living costs, the partner under- takes to pay wages which are adequate. Non-authorized wage reductions or deductions as disciplinary measures will not be permitted.
2.3 Prohibition of forced labour and disciplinary measures
The partner will not subject any person to forced labour, harassment, corporal punishment and/or threats of violence. The use of financial penalties or any form of psychological or physical abuse, coercion or intimidation is prohibited.
2.4 Prohibition of child labour
The partner will not employ anybody younger than 15 years old or anybody who has not reached the official age for completing the secondary school or all-age school respectively in case this age in the country concerned is higher than 15.
In the case of young workers, the partner will meet all statutory requirements applicable for the location, in particular concerning working hours, wages, health, safety and general working conditions. A „young worker” is considered to be someone at least 15 years old but not yet 18.
2.5 Prohibition of discrimination
Within the framework of the working relationship the partner will not subject any worker to dis-criminatory treatment regarding employment, wages, promotion, discipline, terminating the working relationship, retirement or other benefits or acts of the employer, neither on the basis of the skin colour, ethnic or national background, religion or philosophy of life, handicaps, gender or sexual orientation nor regarding membership in a trade union or political party, age or social background.
2.6 Freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
The partner will not prevent the company workers from joining of their own free will trade unions (or other forms of worker / collective bargaining associations) which act in conformity with the law and use peaceful means to further their ends. Should the local employment law restrict these freedoms, the partner shall provide other opportunities for the workers for independent and voluntary meetings and for standing up for their own interests.
2.7 Health and safety at the workplace
The partner will provide his workers with a safe and healthy working environment in accordance with the applicable local law and all relevant regulations within the sectors in which he is active. The sup- plier will use suitable processes to prevent accidents and impairment of health arising in connection with the company’s business. TITAPE encourages the partner to determine at least one person responsible for health and safety who will oversee the observance of these requirements.
The partner will observe without restriction all local laws and industry regulations. Moreover, he should strive to mitigate the ecological impact of his business operations by preventive measures and the use of environment-friendly processes and materials.