TIZIP® zippers are characterized by absolute watertightness and airtightness, as well as long-term durability and many other highly functional advantages. These benefits are the result of continuous research and development, leading to advanced material and production processes.

To achieve the maximum level of durability and a long lifespan, it is also important to care for the correct zipper incorporation. The enclosed recommendations shall help to avoid early material ageing, mechanical disfunction and significantly improve your zipper’s lifetime.



When incorporating the slider into your design, always maintain a minimum slit width regardless of the zipper version and incorporation method used. This essential spacing provides the necessary degree of play, ensuring optimal performance and longevity of the TIZIP® slider.

  • A minimum slit width of 20 mm is recommended for all types of  substrates.
  • With rigid substrates (fabric, foils, neoprene, etc.) the slit width should be increased to at least 30 mm.
  • Proper bonding and operations tests  are always mandatory before usage.
  • TIZIP zippers should only be installed by authorized manufacturers or service centers.


Never grind / roughen the zipper surface.

TIZIP® zippers can be incorporated into garments and other materials using high-frequency or ultra sonic welding, hotmelt or gluing. Sewing and sealing with special tape is also possible. We would be happy to assist you at any time when it comes to the optimal technical integration of our TIZIP zippers into your product.


In regard to zipper installation, it would be optimal to choose a HF welding process, as it is the best method to ensure a tight and durable zipper incorporation that lasts even under rough environmental conditions. TIZIP’s customers have been HF welding the zippers tape (made of TPU-coated polyester) with TPU and PVC for a long time.

  • The TPU-coated zipper tape can also be welded to polyurethane-coated nylon (PA) or polyester (PES).
    While HF welding relies on electromagnetic energy to generate heat through molecular friction, sonic welding generates heat through mechanical vibration and friction. While both techniques are used for joining thermoplastics, HF welding is often preferred for thicker materials and larger areas, while sonic welding is favored for smaller and more precise joints.
  • Please consider that the perfect welding process (pressure, temperature, cooling time, etc.) and the ideal surrounding coated fabric need to be analyzed by the customer on a case-by-case basis. A general recommendation is not possible.


To ensure optimal performance and longevity of our TIZIP zippers during incorporation, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Avoid Glue Residue: When applying a gluing procedure, ensure that no glue comes into contact with the zipper teeth or sealing lips. Residual glue can compromise the integrity and functionality of the zipper.
  • No Abrasives or Solvents: Do not attempt to remove any glue residue using abrasives or solvents, as these can damage the zipper.
  • Handle with Care: Refrain from roughening the zipper, as this may affect its sealing properties and overall performance.


By sewing the zippers, please ensure, that the stitching holes are fully covered by applying an additional sealing tape.

  • Otherwise the small holes suck liquid inside of the zippers and may result delamination of the coating after some time. Furthermore, small channels between the tape and the zipper result in leakage.
  • So a perfectly plain sealing tape is necessary. Due to the stitching holes, TIZIP recommend the usage of hydrolysis protected TIZIP zippers to guarantee a maximum lifetime.