GDS GMBH & CO. KG is leading the industry with its comprehensive TIZIP® portfolio of waterproof, airtight, high-quality and sustainable zipper solutions. TIZIP’s capability to address outstanding durability and performance is evaluated from a life-cycle perspective along the value chain. The TIZIP brand is a symbol for technically superior, user-friendly, and long-lasting products.
For TIZIP®, innovation means implementing something new that adds value. That’s why TIZIP has recently developed and patented the direct food contact compliant as well as the hydrolysis protected zipper options, that moves the industry forward and show customers the value of new approaches.
GDS GmbH & Co. KG has been running its own quality management system in compliance with DIN EN 9001:2015.
An accredited certification authority regularly verifies the successful implementation and improvement of our quality management system.